Starting to feel pretty grown-up now? You’re hurtling towards 50 people, you have some operational help on People & Talent, and some strategic help too if you’ve found an advisor of sorts to work with you, and hopefully you’re sitting back and marvelling at how well this amazing team is working together and getting along. Lovely! 😎

Now’s the time to start thinking a little bigger. Whilst I’ve advised previously to resist too much tinkering on processes for every headache that arises, there are some core ones to think about still so that you’re ready for that next leap to 100 people. I promise you 30-100 seems to just fly by 🛬 for most people, because in reality it does, and this is where things can get messy.

So you do need to start thinking about how you lay foundations to ‘professionalise’ your team as it scales even further. This doesn’t mean jumping into hiring senior, experienced managers everywhere fyi. But starting to think about some more specific, linear experts rather than generalists could be the first step.

You’ll start having to think about layers of management too- so tread carefully- I know exactly what your first move is going to be, and no, it doesn’t have to be promoting one of your longer standing team members.

What you need to focus on:

Why Now?

So start to think about management- who do you need where, and who’s right? Don’t jump straight in to just promoting one of your loyal early hires who seems keen and who you feel some responsibility toward to progress them. It isn’t always the best move.

You have to stay unemotional, and focus on picking the right person who is genuinely a great leader and manager - or has the right traits to be one at least.

Look at hiring a solid Finance Exec or Manager (2-5 years) who can take over invoicing, credit control, payroll (some unreal tools out there), and help take a heap off your plate. I promise you when you go from 50-100 you will need it. So sort it now.

There’s not an answer on this page as there’s not a one-size-fits all approach here, but this is something you should be thinking about and always on top of as you grow because your business looks, and operates very differently at 50 people than it did at 10, so consider some new team exercises and workshops- refresh your cultural code, your rituals, run some more workshops on values and behaviours - there’s never a bad time for that!☕&

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