This is a real rabbit warren 🐇 of a topic that can become very messy as you start to scale at pace. In the early days it feels fairly simple; you pay your first team members a figure that feels right, and without anyone to compare it to in the business it causes few problems.

Once you start to scale and grow, this topic becomes much more complex and can seriously impact your business and culture if you haven’t got your ducks in a row 🦆 .

This ties in heavily to career progression and development frameworks when it comes to salary, so the positive is, if you’re focusing on one, you tend to cover the other too.

However there are so many other facets to compensation; bonus, commission, share options. It can be overwhelming, and again, something that you tend not to worry about in the early days, but I would seriously urge any founder to think about how their compensation philosophy and strategy looks like at say 30 people, before they hire even their first employee.

My work with founders around compensation includes:

- 💵 Ad-hoc Salary benchmarking projects

- 🔎 Full compensation reviews

- 🧠 Establishing compensation ‘philosophy’ for your business

- 📈 Linking compensation to career development frameworks

- 💰 EMI Options offerings to employees☕&