The working world changed drastically in 2020 🦠, and for a while remote working became the norm. As time goes on companies seem to be heading back to a more balanced approach of hybrid working slowly but surely, but the era of flexible working is absolutely here to stay.

As it stands, flexible working is the #1 most important factor to people when choosing a new role now, so it’s vital you take this into account when setting off on your journey to build your business. Some companies are hamstrung here- many require people to be onsite (e.g. labs, manufacturing etc). But regardless, my focus with founders on this subject is making sure you do what you can to offer the most flexible way of working you can to your team regardless of your constraints.

I work with founders to:

-🎨 Design a company culture that will help you thrive, regardless of whether you are onsite, hybrid or remote

- 📝 Implement flexible working mindset, as well as policies around this

- ⚙ Make sure your culture, communication, tooling and business is set up operationally to make sure you can succeed should you be in a remote/hybrid environment

-⭕ Ensure you are thinking about flexible working on holistic level, not just remote/hybrid/onsite.

Lots of companies have jumped on the remote/hybrid bandwagon, but have struggled culturally because they haven’t set up the right way when it comes to communication, tooling, rituals, engagement. Get it wrong, and an incredible perk can backfire quickly if culture suffers.

If you’re a Founder / company working with me now, you can access my resources and workshops on this here☕&