There are heaps of Culture Design frameworks out there. Over time I’ve created my own; the DNA Framework.


Why DNA?

Your company culture is your company DNA. The genetic code that drives how you deliver. But this aside, DNA also alludes to 3 key words I like to use when talking about culture;

Design- How you craft your culture

Nurture- How you tend to your culture

Align- How you get everyone on board

Key Pillars

I’ve distilled down dozens of examples I’ve seen over the years to create my own pillars; 6 memorable words that make it easy to refer back to, each with areas of focus attached.

Meaning (Purpose, Values)

Being (Behaviours, Norms & Rules)

Feeling (Psychological Safety, Belonging)

Seeing (Meeting, Rituals)

Hearing (Feedback, Communication)

Leading (Priorities, Management, Decision Making)

Using the above framework, I help companies to map out and design their culture. Key pillars, gaps, areas of concern.